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Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps
Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcap Promtions began with an idea, challenges, and legal battles. Nineteen years ago, the creator Walter Bohrer, studied the Wisconsin State Statutes as well as other promotions legal in Wisconsin. His idea goes back 100 years to the horse and buggy days when milk was delivered to customers door to door in glass bottles. The milkcaps offered customers prizes! Collecting milkcaps over the years had become a hobby of Mr. Bohrer.
Milkcaps today are a collectible item. His idea became known as Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcap Promotions. The challenges were the authenticity of his promotion. The legal battles have resulted in enormous attorney fees and endless research time. The First Legal decision was a victory against the City of Milwaukee and the Attorney General of Wisconsin. Our winning judgement was appealed by the Attorney General’s office, and the Appellate Court ruled Wisconsin Souvenir Promotions Legal
Milkcaps have been around for much longer than you might have believed, and the various uses for them are equally as interesting. If you’ve ever wondered, “What’s a Milkcap?”, then you’ve come to the right place.
The facts about Milkcaps can be broken into various categories. The History of Milkcap, The Collectible Value of the Milkcap, and The Game played using them. Look below, and explore the area that interests you most.
Unlike ANY OTHER pulltab retailer, Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps proved in court that their product was 100% legal.
There was an appeal to the case, and yet again,Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps won. To view this case, Click here.
Our cash promotion associated with our milkcaps are legal, because we strictly adhere to the following principals below:
Something of Value – Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps hold value. Not only do they have a value as a product, but also for collectible reasons.
No Purchase Necessary – If an application form is mailed out, it does not cost you any money to participate in the promotion. Click here.
End Date on the Promotion – Each of our tickets has a promotional printing end date clearly printed on the ticket.
Entry Forms Provided – Not only are the entry forms provided as above under the "No Purchase Necessary", but they are also provided with each kit sold.
Odds of Winning – Each of our tickets has the number of winners printed on each of the ticket. The odds of winning are also shown on marketing material with each of the kits sold.
Randomly Distributed – All of the tickets are put in randomly, so no one can know where the winners are.
Winners Names Withheld – Winner forms are kept for a year for all winners of $100 or more. This helps to protect locations against fraud by taking information down on each of your big winners. This is ultimately to protect the player because Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcap pulltabs is concerned with the happiness of players and collectors. Unlike illegal pulltabs, which may not have proper winnings/payouts, WSM pulltabs' system of recording information such as winners' names provides us and interested parties with proof that we are paying winners just as we advertise. See our Incentive Program for more information!
Top Winner Form Submission – Click here.